Volume 12   Back Issues Cumulative Index

<     > Volume 12 PART 1  March 2002   PART 2  PART 3
1 Acupalpus maculatus Schaum, 1860: another carabid new to Britain from Dungeness  M. G. Telfer
6 More recent Philhygra terminalis (Gravenhorst) (Col. Staphylinidae) records  M. L. Denton
6 Pelenomus olssoni Israelson (Curculionidae) in Kent  N.F. Heal
7 Ceutorhynchus cakilis (Hansen) in the British Isles (Curculionidae)
M. G. Morris & J. A. Owen
13 Records of four carabids potentially new to Dorset  M. G. Telfer & T. Heijerman
15 Rare and notable Coleoptera from coastal sites in north-east England
M. D. Eyre, M. L. Luff & J. Woodward
21 Some entomological recollections of Baron Alexis de Porochin (1918-1980)  P. Skidmore
23 Gastrallus immarginatus (Müller) (Anobiidae) at Hatfield Forest, Essex
K. N. A. Alexander
24 Otiorhynchus setosulus Stierlin 1861 - (Curculionidae) as a British species  N. F. Heal
25 Lathrobium fennicum Renkonen (Staphylinidae) new to Norfolk, with characters to separate females of the larger Lathrobium species
R. G. Booth
29 Review. "Apionidae of the Western Palaearctic Vol. 1" by M. Russell
R. S. Key
31 Early records of Gyrophaena poweri Crotch (Staphylinidae) from Scotland and Wales  R. C. Welch
33 Some recent records of Hypera meles (Fabricius) (Curculionidae) in southern England  P. J. Hodge
34 Leptophloeus clematidis (Erichson) (Laemophloeidae) still resident in Kent  N. F. Heal
35 Is Malthodes brevicollis (Paykull) (Cantharidae) a British beetle?
K. N. A. Alexander
39 Stenus fossulatus Erichson (Staphylinidae) in Scotland  M. Sinclair
40 Chaetocnema picipes Stephens (Chrysomelidae) in Kent  N. F. Heal
40 Oxytelus migrator Fauvel (Staphylinidae) in Wiltshire  A. J. Allen
IBC Subscribers' notices
  Volume 12 PART 2  September 2003  back to top
41 Otiorhynchus (s. str.) armadillo (Rossi, 1792) and Otiorhynchus (s. str.) salicicola Heyden, 1908 (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Otiorhynchini) - two European vine weevils established in Britain  M. V. L. Barclay
56 Belated records of Lebia cyanocephala (Linnaeus) (Carabidae) in Hertfordshire  J. Denton
57 Scolytus pygmaeus (Fabricius, 1787) (Scolytidae) - a new arrival to Britain  N. F. Heal
60 Additional records of Judolia sexmaculata (Linnaeus) (Cerambycidae) from Scotland  C. Sullivan
61 Further records of Chrysolina americana (Linnaeus) (Chrysomelidae) in Britain  A. Salisbury
62 Review. "An annotated list of wetland ground beetles (Carabidae) and rove beetles (Staphylinidae) found in the British Isles including a literature review of their ecology" by D. A. Lott
M. G. Telfer
63 Prionychus melanarius (Germar) (Tenebrionidae) widespread in north Gloucestershire  K. N. A. Alexander
65 A new locality for Meloe variegatus Donovan (Meloidae) on the Isle of Wight in 1833  A. J. Ramsay
66 A new record of Otiorhynchus desertus (Rosenhauer) (Curculionidae) in Scotland  C. Sullivan
67 A further note on the continued spread in Britain of the Lily Beetle Lilioceris lilii (Scopoli) (Chrysomeldiae), with notes on its host plant range  A. Salisbury
76 Field meeting report: Norfolk (5-7 July 2002)   M. J. Collier
77 Lycoperdina bovistae (Fabricius) (Endomychidae) in South Devon  C. R. Turner
79 Triotemnus coryli (Perris) (Scolytidae) rediscovered  N. F. Heal
82 Rare and notable Coleoptera in England, 2002   J. Denton
84 An early record of Cyphon kongsbergensis Munster (Scirtidae)  R. W. J. Read
85 The identification of Hyperinae (Curculionidae)   M. G. Morris
88 Literature notices  J. Hogan
IBC Subscribers' notices
  Volume 12 PART 3  December 2003  back to top
89 The saproxylic Coleoptera of Petworth Park, West Sussex  J. Denton
96 Globicornis rufitarsis (Panzer) (Dermestidae) at Blenheim Park, Oxfordshire K. N. A. Alexander
97 Malthodes lobatus (Kiesenwetter) (Cantharidae) new to Britain  M. V. L. Barclay & A. Kopetz
100 Dorytomus taeniatus (Fabricius) (Curculionidae) on grey poplar  B. Sage
101 Recent records of Lathrobium rufipenne Gyllenhal (Staphylinidae) in Britain and Ireland  D. A. Lott
104 Velleius dilatatus (Fabricius) (Staphylinidae), the first record for Sussex
M. Love
105 A recent record of Diachromus germanus (Linnaues) (Carabidae) and a discussion of its occurrence in Britain  B. A. Woodcock, D. J. Mann, J. E. Hogan, A. Brook, S. Harris, S. Mortimer & V. K. Brown
110 A further Scottish record of Psylliodes laticollis Kutschera (Chrysomelidae)  A. J. Ramsay
111 Further recent records of Tachys (Paratachys) edmondsi Moore (Carabidae) in the New Forest  R. G. Booth & F.-T. Krell
113 Bruchidius varius (Olivier) (Col. Bruchidae) in Leicestershire  D. Lott & J. Owen
114 On some British examples of Poecilium lividum (Rossi) (= Phymatodes lividus) (Cerambycidae) from the New Forest: are they authentic?  M. V. L. Barclay
118 The breeding-site, etc., of Malthodes crassicornis (Mäklin) (Cantharidae)  A. A. Allen
119 Lycoperdina bovistae (Fabricius) (Endomychidae) in Gloucestershire  K. N. A. Alexander
120 A first record of Agrilus sinuatus (Olivier) (Buprestidae) in Essex  D. C. Twinn
121 The influence of soil pH on the abundance of the Glow-worm Lampyris noctiluca Linnaeus (Lampyridae) in Essex  T. Gardiner, M. Pye & R. Field
124 Carpelimus similis Smetana (Staphylinidae) and Carpophilus marginellus Motschulsky (Nitidulidae) infesting a hotel in South Devon  M. V. L. Barclay
125 Deletion of Cryptocephalus decemmaculatus Linnaeus (Chrysomelidae) from the Sussex list  P. J. Hodge & J. A. Owen
126 The recent records of Cleonis piger (Scopoli) (Curculionidae) in Scotland  A. J. Ramsay
127 Literature notices  J. Hogan
IBC Corrigenda
IBC Subscribers' notices