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East Norfolk (VC 27)

Under stones and algal mats on bare mud in saltmarshes, such as behind the beach at Salthouse, look for the ground beetle Pogonus luridipennis [RDB3] (Carabidae), from June to September.

The Norfolk Broads have suffered greatly from eutrophication and it is feared that many nationally rare insects have become extinct. The weevil Bagous diglyptus [RDB1] (Curculionidae) used to occur in Derbyshire, Norfolk and Suffolk, but has not been seen in the British Isles since 1906 when it was found at Stalham Broad. The biology of this species is rather obscure and unlike other members of the genus, B. diglyptus is possibly found on dry land, perhaps in association with lichens of the genus Peltigera. Another rare weevil, Ceutorhynchus querceti [RDB2] (Curculionidae) has only ever been recorded in Norfolk in the British Isles, with its stronghold being in the Norfolk Broads. It should be sought on species of yellowcress Rorippa in the summer.

At Catfield Fen the rare water beetle Bidessus unistriatus [RDB1] (Dytiscidae) occurs.

West Norfolk (VC 28)

Ministry of Defence land at the Stanford Training Area has several rare beetles. A single example of the rare carabid Bembidion octomaculatum {Extinct] (Carabidae) turned up here in May 1993, and may be established in the vicinity. The rare water beetle Bidessus unistriatus [RDB1] (Dytiscidae) also occurs in ponds in the area.

Thompson Common has the rare whirligig beetle Gyrinus suffriani [RDB2] (Gyrinidae).

In coastal sandhills in West Norfolk, from June to August, look for the rare melyrid Malachius barnevillei [RDB3] (Melyridae), here at the only known site for the species in the British Isles.

A known site for the weevil Ceutorhynchus querceti [RDB2] (Curculionidae) is at ????.

County recorder: M. J. Collier, Hillside Cottage, Syleham, Eye, Suffolk IP21 4LL